3 Power generation


Types of electric power stations -
1. Thermal ,2.  hydro electric ,3. atomic or nuclear

1. Thermal power station-
Solid liquid gas use for as a fuil for alternator run prime movers type-
A steam power station , B diesel , C. gas
A. ( i )condensing p.s , ( ii ) power and heating central power station 
शक्ति  केन्द्र के प्रकार à¤•ा चुनाव करना  -

A steam power station . (main part boiler ,steam turbine ,alternator)
sections - fuel transportation , boiler(कोयला चूर्ण बनाना ,राख निकलना , धुल संग्राहक ) , जल सोधन (filler water in boiler ,Water purifier plant) , turbine (  ) , electrycity

working  - steam pri. Mover mechanical energy turbine alternater ash handing cement water in rever 150-230℃ 

benefit -  Quick install from water turbine, mini space ,any area ,low coast , 

loses - polution ,maintenance coast ,fuel space ,ash space,water,cooling water use

efficiency -teml 30, mechanical 95,electric 90taotal 25-26% = output-fuel temp

B. diesel -
working  - pri. Mover diesel engine ,100kw,70000kw

benefit -quick on/off,150mw ,thermal to best ,effi. 36 ,load nearby , lightweight ,Loa coast

loses - diesel coast ,maint,15mw coastly,overload×,noise,only diesel ,20yr

efficiency -

 C. gas - vibration free ,small size,authentic 
1941 train 
working  - peak load ,base load ,emergency load up,

benefit -mentinense,realible,no coaslty,size space mini,vibration low,cycle variation x ,staring tork ⬆

loses - starting  hardly ,parts special material ,cooling sys. Life ⬇,sarting moter  
Construction - turbine power source primmover turbine or gas 
Parts compresure ,combuster,turbine
Compresure - outmozphere air compres = air temp+pressure ⬆2. Fuel enter in compresure +lighter to start continue
Then temp 1650℃-650℃-825℃then enter these combustion product in turbine start roter exaust 475℃-550℃

2. HYDRO ELECTRIC P.S.- 11kv onlg

structure-आधार चौड़ा रखते है ताकी stress कम हो 
Surge tank - artificial tank for water hammer safty , stop gate to water in surge tank जब लोड ⬆तब penstock मे आकर पानी कमी दूर करता है 
पेन्स्टॉक - पेन्स्टॉक to water turbine पाइप line steel or कंक्रीट for प्रेशर और load change time water surgeसहन कर ले
Valve house - sluice gate 
POwer houss - turbine,alternatur,exiter
Peltanwheel120⬆,fransis60-120m,Caplan turbine 60m⬇
Spill  way-satfy walve work ज्यादा वर्षा पर पानी नहरो मे जाता है और कचरा भी भाहर
टेलरेस- after turbine 

clasification -
REserver - without rezerver or with REserver
Head type- high head ,mid head
advantage - polution, quik start,starting coast low,mentinece low,life high,structure easy,engineer ,big machine

dis.advan. - makings coastly, time,load so far,rain gap

 3. ATOMIC OR NUCLER P.S. -u235,th232pu239 crack to make heat genarate to make steam  and start turbine
Boiler=nucler reactor and heat exachanger

benifit- fuel very small quantity use
Output control

loses radioactive rays ,radioactive waste gama rays,heat exachenger modrate coastly,Reacter casing strong matter use


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