Heating appliances -
Kanthal - Cr+Ni+Fe
Heating appliances -
Kanthal - Cr+Ni+Fe
Diffrent ratio = diff. Uses
Highest temp. 1280°C , resis. P20 135micro ohm cm , melt. Point 1510°C
Use - Stelness steal make soft in furnace भट्टी
80%ni +20%cr ,1150c H.t ,R- 10πohmcm
Domestic heatong elements uses
Generate heat factors- Alement amp, resistance,size,time, nature cold rate,coil round nearby
Types of heating elements-
Generate heat factors- Alement amp, resistance,size,time, nature cold rate,coil round nearby
Types of heating elements-
1. Open type ( open element ♨ ) 2. Close type (coverd element)
Base plate Cr covered , nichrome wire alement in witch 2 Asbestos sheets up side Asbestos (अभ्रक) sheet (उष्मा ऊपर नही )OR side cast (डलवा) iron pressurised plate
1. electric heater (open)
electric iron
Nichrome wire,high temp. Oxidation x ,25mm plate,coil alement ,porcilin/abstace sleeve use terminel
1mega ohm body or condecter
A. simple ELECTRIC IRON (close type )-
450watt जनरल घरेलु , loundry iron 1000-1500watt electric power use(ख़र्च)
B. automatic ele. iron
⭐ - Thermostat - connected in series with heating aliment and working like be (gain heat) switching act with Heat diffusion coefficient Movable contact bimetallic leaf fixed on sole plate
Sole plate cold bimetallic plate straight flow current continu , blub (+ H resis in series)parrelal with heat ale.
Adjustment temp by thermosate
High temp 🔥 lilone , सूती
Low temp 🔥 terilone,silk
different metals = different diffusion temperature
heat diffusion coefficient - fe◀पीतल (brass)
* dont touch plate setting because only owner known bimetallic plate diffusion coefficient
C. stem iron
Holes in Sole plate
Push button handle , element seal in Sole plate ,if element damage change new sole plate, always fill
new fresh water
hot plate roti maker
snake 🐍 type spirel coil seal with plaster of paris or resistance matter covered iron plate ,2 part element equal efficiency ,per elem. Cntrl per switch , single plate1000-1500 watt
2 plate 2000watt
- 1. Off,
- 2. 2parrelal (H temp)
- 3.1H ele.(med)
- 4.2series (low)
1. immersion (निमज्जित)
BRass tube cr coated in element pop insulated ,250,1000,1500 watt in market ,
self heat direct on water so heat losses ⬇ and efficiency ⬆
1-2min without water on white crust ( पपड़ी) crack remove
2. storage W.H
portable heater × it is fix in wall ,soft sheet in Cu tank ,glass woll in gap 'heat export ×' ,
H ele.'immersion' , thermostat & inlet - outlet pipe in Cu tank,
2tr 100w,50ltr. 2kw ,100lit 3kw
Thermostat connected a dial for temp. Cntr 'pech', pilot lamp green🌳 on ,red 🔴 show H ele. Supply off ,over heat then fusible plug
Installation - inlet fill outlet flow water then on geyser , set temp. Bimettlic plate open after cold plate strait on geyser
All mixer internal structure same type
3 speed mixer grinder
Motar saft coupling ⚙️ To tightin clockwise direction and a coupling in jar joint with cutting blades , 3000 to 14000 rpm
Universol moter work 1to60min watch⏱️ power effi. 💯 To 600 watt
2field coil 2 parts windng some people are 1 field winding 2 tapping
Safty - service manual use and work
Consumer problem armeture corbon buss test 2/3 last , insulation 1mohn ⬇ × ,coupling rong side tighten , moter tighten time armeture remove all time , BEARING CHANGE ,
washing machine
1. Simple 2. Half auto 3.autometic
1. washing machine - pulsater 🕳️joint with moter🔅Ⓜ️ vertical in wall ,single tub us🛁🧺or water🚿 and diterjent clothes switch on pulsater move rotate 💱 and fix timer ⏱️ ,1-15min timer
2. Half auto - 2 tub , first tub wash (low speed) Second spin tub drier (fast speed) so 2 moter using3. Automatic - single tub pulsater worked by mimicroproces cloths nature time fixed 45 to 75 min [ popular use]
4. autometic - 2tub 1rins 2 spin tub drain salector switch water fill cloth diterjent gentil ,normal ,strong position set timer water remove spindrier timer (spring or gears use )
Self priming monoblock pump - domestic (घरेलू) or farming work
Automatic pop up toster
2,4 brade ,carige updown switch oprate, heat alement nichrome flat wore coildd ,mechanical timer
Colour code clock timer thermal vibrate sEt.
Pur autometic sys. - toaster H temp. Bimetallic strip eccentric plate light colour position dowon carige off